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SMS Marketing Service Strategy - It's Key Benefits

Nowadays there are various forms of communication such as radio, telephone, television, telegraph, newspaper, e-mail and fax. However, they are not reliable and affordable as a service for short messages. It is estimated that global SMS revenues are expected to reach the US $ 150 billion mark for the first time by 2013. Of the various forms of mobile communication, SMS is still the king and traffic is expected to reach 9.4 trillion messages in 2016. , about 2.12 Trillion text messages are sent each year. Because Short Message Service gets recognition, SMS software has become very popular with people because it is fast and reliable. Previously, people had to rely on SMS service providers to send messages to thousands of recipients, but now people can send messages according to their expectations using the software. Because SMS software offers customizable functions, users can schedule the delivery time. All you have to do is simply enter the message and the mobile numbers of the recip

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